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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Organic Wine...Really?

I am fairly new to the concept of organic wine, but of course I was curious about it! You would think that all wine is organic since it comes from grapes that grow from vines in a rich soil. However, most wines are produced with some type of chemical. (Whether that be a pesticide, herbicide, etc). Does this make organic wine healthier? One can argue for both sides. But on a personal note, I'm not one to shop at one of those "healthy" stores, so I also won't be the one to rush out and buy all organic wine. However, that's also not to say that I won't ever drink organic wine. Sometimes it's good to be adventurous! In fact, I have one to share with you today.

Parducci Merlot (2009)- $10.99: This wine comes from Mendocino County in California, ( This wine has a smoky smell, and a very earthy taste. You can also taste the dark cherries and cranberry in there as well. It tasted "very young" to me, so I would suggest letting this bottle sit for another 6 months to a year before you drink it. For the price, it's not a bad organic wine. (

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